Album - 'Listen Here' Deluxe Edition
Released: November 17th 2022
The Deluxe Edition consists of all 14 songs from these recording sessions, with the addition of four new songs. It is a loving remembrance of Dave Frishberg, released on the one year date of his passing.
Watch the live studio recording of 'Our Love Rolls On' (by Dave Frishberg) only available on the deluxe edition.
Album - 'Listen Here'
Released: September 15th 2022
This second album of the singer is an homage to intuition.
It shows us the human encounters and experiences, that urges you to listen to your gut feeling and turn off the inner commentary track of fear. This lyrical and eclectic jazz song selection is humorous, hip and heartfelt.
Also available on vinyl.
Single - 'Cloudy Treasures'
Released: August 18th 2022
Music and lyrics by Louise Bøttern
This bittersweet, yet uplifting ballad shares the story of the children you never pulled from the clouds, yet still considers your own, expressing both your hearts longings and the peace you have made with your loss.
This second single of the new album 'Listen Here' has already reached a broad audience on Spotify with over 200.000 streams to date.
Single - 'Shine'
Released: June 16th 2022
Music and lyrics by Louise Bøttern
Visualize brighter and braver days ahead and allow yourself to shine. This contemporary upbeat jazztune is a humorous self-encouragement to embrace your fear, be daring and take a leap of faith to follow your dreams.
The uplifting confidence booster 'Shine' is the first single prior to the release of the full album 'Listen Here'.
Have a listen to these song teasers..
Line Up:
Louise Bøttern, vocals
Catrine Frølund, piano
Kristin Korb, bass
Andreas Svendsen, drums
Kaare Munkholm, vibraphone
Alexander Kraglund, violin
Mathias Heise, harmonica
- 1 Cloudy treasures 0:28
- 2 I want to be a sideman 0:28
- 3 Sweet Kentucky ham 0:34
- 4 Tight 0:24
- 5 Bye bye country boy 0:25
- 6 A timeless place (The peacocks) 0:42
- 7 Shine 0:31
- 8 Listen here 0:38
- 9 It's a raggy waltz 0:26
- 10 Experiment 0:29
- 11 This could be the start of something 0:27
- 12 Our love rolls on 0:34
- 13 All you need to say (Never say yes) 0:22
- 14 I like you, you're nice 0:17
Album - 'Kick Off Your Shoes'
Released: February 27th 2015
With the emphasis on ’new’ american vocal jazz, Louise Bøttern conciously avoids the most heard american standards and offers her own modern interpretation of agreeable and melodious jazz songs with both strong lyrics and demanding melodies.
Also available on CD.
Have a listen to these song teasers..
Line Up:
Louise Bøttern, vocals
Catrine Frølund, piano
Kaspar Vadsholt, bass
Mikkel Find, drums
Jan Harbeck, tenor sax/ clarinet
- 01 The man I love 0:39
- 02 Kick off your shoes 0:32
- 03 Long daddy green 0:31
- 04 Just when we're falling in love 0:35
- 05 Autumn nocturne 0:36
- 06 An occasional man 0:31
- 07 It's over now 0:34
- 08 How I wish 0:40
- 09 You'd be so nice to come home to 0:30
- 10 You 0:19
- 11 The ballad of Thelonious Monk 0:25
”Louise Bøttern comes through with flying colors and high quality, almost sails right through the not so easy Monk-pieces with perfect pronunciation and an apparent and natural swing deep down in the vocal treasury. It’s hip and funny.” – Henrik Wolsgaard-Iversen, Jazz Special
“Unique concert experience! We all sat there with goose bumps and a heartfelt joy to be experiencing this talent – for what a voice! A voice with a broadness and vocal range one rarely meets. A voice that could burn expressively regardless of where on the scale it moved.” - Kristin Kristiansdottir, concert guest
”One of the absolut best jazzy jazzrecords I have heard in a long while. Jazz exactly like I want it; unartificial and straight forward, sensitive, unheard melodious and filled with beautiful melody lines and last but not least humor, both in the singing and instrumentally. With notes clear as a bell she shows what a competent jazz singer she is.” – Bo Ingvar Svensson
”Respect for the generally speaking untraditional material.” – Martin Loft, Loftskammer
“Respects the original,.. knows what she wants with the great american songbook,.. a technically well performed vocal jazz album.” – Niels Overgård, Jazznyt
Anmeldelser (dansk):
”Louise Bøttern kommer igennem med flagrende vimpler og høj kvalitet, nærmest glider igennem de ikke helt nemme Monk-numre med perfekt udtale og et åbenbart og naturligt swing nede i vokalens gemmer. Det er hipt og morsomt.” Henrik Wolsgaard-Iversen, Jazz Special
”Frk. Bøttern håndterer de velgennemtænkte fortolkninger med flydende lethed. Det er lige denne slags fantasifulde indspilninger, der er brug for i dag. Så vi ikke glemmer, at jazzvokalister er en anden race, ikke en eftertanke af en kommerciel vokalist, som beslutter at de også kan synge jazz. Det er en kompilation af klassisk jazz pakket ind i en cool, urban New Yorker-stil.” Deborah Brown, jazz vokalist
“Unik koncertoplevelse! Vi sad alle med gåsehud og en inderlig glæde ved at opleve dette talent, for sikke en stemme! En stemme med en rummelighed og spændvidde man sjældent oplever. En stemme, der kunne brænde udtryksfuldt igennem, uanset hvor på skalaen den bevægede sig.“ Kristin Kristiansdottir, koncertgæst
”En af de absolut bedste jazzede jazzskiver jeg har hørt meget længe. Jazz præcis som jeg vil have den; ukunstig og ligetil, følsom, uhørt melodiøs og fyldt med smukke tonelinier og sidst men ikke mindst af humor, både i sang og instrumentalistisk. Med sine klokkerene toner viser hun hvilken kompetent jazzsangerinde hun er.” Bo Ingvar Svensson
”Respekt for det generelt set utraditionelle materiale.”Martin Loft, Loftskammer
“Respekt for det oprindelige, ved hvad hun vil med den store amerikanske sangbog, et vokaljazzalbum der er teknisk veludført.” Niels Overgård, Jazznyt
"FLOT, FLOT! Moderne stil, fede fraseringer. Flot vokal og præstationer på flygel, bas og sax. En cd jeg gerne vil lægge mig på min sofa og LYTTE til! - Ole